The Voice of Kainga Pasifika Services - Family First
With New Zealand on lockdown due to COVID-19, Tevita Faka’osi, the Voice of Kainga Pasifika Services (Dove HB) on Radio Kidknappers, stresses the need for courage, kindness and unconditional love in their programme about creating safe and healthy family relationships. LISTEN TO EPISODES from the show and remember to keep your family safe during this time and stay home, stay safe, stay Pasefika Proud.

For Tevita Faka’osi, family is the most important thing in their lives, he says that while we’re on lockdown it’s a good time to spend with our family when we’re not at work or out socialising outside of the home.
In the first episode of lockdown Tevita talks about safe communications at home and he encourages parents to listen to the voices of our children and also each other as it's important to communicate in healthy ways.
“This is not a time to be selfish. It is time to stop and think … to look at who we really are,” he says.
“The lockdown, in many ways, has given us a time to re-evaluate ourselves … to find the truth.”
Tevita has sensed the fear and anxieties among many people due to the tight restrictions to prevent the virus from spreading. But he is not among them.
“I put trust in what’s going on in the government, so I follow the rules. Through my Christian faith, I keep positive, which strengthens my ability to cope with this. I prioritise what I need to do and although I can sense the fear among people, I stay positive and don’t fear anyone.”
Tevita attributes his philosophical take on life to accepting things that are beyond his control.
“As people, we usually fear loss, loneliness, abandonment … whatever. We worry about losing a job or not having enough money to pay the bills,” he says.
“It’s common for people to fear not being able to survive, or losing loved ones or treasured possessions. But what I say to people is that the future cannot hurt us in this present moment. Try to enjoy living in the present. The future will change, just as our emotions change.”
Tevita believes in asking yourself about your fears and beliefs aloud.
“To the thoughts that make you worry, ask yourself ‘Is it happening? Is it true?’”
We can often feel that we’re the victims, so we blame the system, government or the way our parents brought us up.
Tevita says this this victim thinking makes it worse because doing so gives away your power and leads you to unnecessary stress.
“Do not give away your power. You may not be able to change the situation you are in, but you can definitely choose your reaction to it. Keep your power and make peace.”
Tevita Faka’osi broadcasts on Radio Kidnappers each Friday from 6-9pm
CLICK HERE to listen to the Episodes
The Kainga Pasifika Services model was created by Tevita Faka’osi and is based on a Pasifika outlook on Safe and Healthy Relationships in three main areas of our lives; Relationships, Culture and Spirituality. At the centre is Mo'ui Kakato - Well Being. Kainga Pasifika Services utilises this model to work effectively with our Pasifika communities and families in Hawkes Bay. The participants are from various Pacific cultures who have graduated from an extensive training programme run in conjunction with DOVE Hawkes Bay. Their motto is ‘Creating Safe and Healthy Relationships and Helping Families to say ‘NO’ to family violence.
As we continue to self-isolate for a few more weeks under COVID 19 Alert Level 4 and 3, it is important that we continue to keep our families, children safe in our homes.
Some Pacific families may be feeling vulnerable, remember that family violence support services are available during the COVID 19 Level 4 Alert lockdown. For emergencies please Dial 111.
Click here for resources and links to available service providers.
Pasefika Proud is a Pacific response to focus on community-led solutions that harnesses the transformative power of traditional Pacific cultural values and frameworks to encourage violence-free, respectful relationships that support Pacific peoples to thrive and to build strong resilient families.