Samoans on the move
Walking Samoans is an ambitious attempt to help Samoans take responsibility for their own health. A Walking Samoans Leaders Fono on 4 May brought together Samoan community leaders to discuss future training and workshops to keep Samoans on the move.

The Walking Samoans movement promotes the easiest, cheapest and most convenient way for the average Samoan family to exercise regularly – walking.
Their motto is, “if you can walk, you can exercise”.
Members sign up to a community neighbourhood walking Samoan club, where they support and encourage each other to adopt walking as a regular way to maintain good health and to off-set the on-set of high blood pressure, obesity and heart disease.
For those who are already suffering from these conditions, walking is a good way to continue to exercise as long as their doctors approve.
The Walking Samaons Leaders Fono on 4 May was proudly supported by Pasefika Proud. The focus of dialogue was on keeping our families healthy and safe, exploring future opportunities to collaborate and deliver community-based workshops and training.
Support for the Walking Samoans movement has been provided by Radio Samoa, Pacific Heartbeat and Tala Pasifika at the Heart Foundation. Pasefika Proud is PROUD to support the Walking Samoans Leaders Fono.
Find out more here