Continuing and Strengthening Pathways for Change
The Hon. Poto Williams, Associate Minister for Social Development, celebrated the launch of Pasefika Proud’s Pathways for Change 2019-2023, which identifies and sets the priorities and thinking, culminating in the Pathways for Change 2019-2023 framework. It was launched in Wellington on July 6 alongside the Ministry of Social Development’s fellow Violence Prevention Frameworks – E Tū Whānau and It’s Not Ok.

For Hon. Poto Williams, announcing and celebrating the launch of Pasefika Proud’s Pathway for Change is significant for a number of reasons.
“First, it represents a huge legacy of effort from many people over the years, working together to create better lives for whanau and families across Aotearoa, New Zealand,” says the Minister.
“This includes community leaders who have stepped up to challenge, confront and inspire change, and those many individuals and groups who toil away at the coalface, often quietly and without fuss, to enable and create hope, dignity and opportunity for our most vulnerable New Zealanders. And, of course, those people within government who are committed to think differently about how government can work effectively alongside their mahi and create real change.”
The Minister strongly values these frameworks which are based on the prevention of family violence, which means taking a holistic and long-term view of the many different factors that shape people’s lives.
“While there are tough issues to be addressed, it’s important to recognise the many strengths and assets that exist in our cultures and communities, and how government resources can best be utilised to harness, support and amplify these,” Minister Poto adds.
“Pasefika Proud recognises the inherent value in culture as a foundation for family strength and transformation. The Pathways for Change framework acknowledges the diversity within our wider Pacific population and the need for ethnic-specific approaches. But it has also created an overarching framework to umbrella this work. It’s exciting to see the focus and direction the framework has set.”
The Minister particularly cites the mobilising and supporting capability development within Pacific communities, which has the potential to ignite real change for Pacific peoples.
“That’s why this work is so important to Pasefika Proud’s vision to see Pacific families and communities who are safe, resilient and enjoying physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.”
Last, but by no means least, has been the severe and unprecedented impact of COVID-19 globally throughout 2020.
Minister Poto describes the community response to the pandemic as crucial.
“Our work during the COVID-19 response and recovery has reinforced that community partnerships are crucial and essential,” she says.
“Because of the relationships that have been built over many years, MSD was able to swiftly connect with community networks to ensure that families in need were supported in ways that responded to their immediate and particular needs.”
“As we navigate through the ongoing challenges of COVID-19, the work represented in the Pathways for Change 2019-2023 will never be more important. It will support some of our most vulnerable families and communities to build strength and resilience and will make a crucial contribution to the government’s response and recovery approach.
This prevention work is also making a valuable contribution to the government’s cross agency Joint Venture and the development of a National Strategy for the elimination of family and sexual violence. Through these initiatives, MSD leads the design, development and implementation of the community-led prevention workstream.
Pasefika Proud Pathways for Change 2019-2023 Pacific families and communities are safe, resilient and enjoy wellbeing.
Pasefika Proud would like to acknowledge all of those who contributed to this Pathways for Change framework and to our Pasefika Proud journey. In particular, we would like to thank those who participated in the leadership fono in 2016 and the many focus groups around the country in 2018, and those Pacific community and government advisors who have provided substantive feedback and support. This input has been instrumental in shaping the direction and priorities articulated in our Pasifika Proud Pathways For Change framework.