Christchurch draft Carers’ Strategy Action Plan 2019 – 2023 Talanoa
The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) wants to talk with Christchurch carers and their families about the draft Carers’ Strategy Action Plan 2019 – 2023 and are holding a workshop in Christchurch on Wednesday 23 July.

Carers are people who support friends, family, whānau and aiga who have a disability, health condition, illness, or injury and need help with day-to-day living.
In October last year, carers told MSD about their experiences and what they wanted to see in the new Action Plan.
In partnership with the Carers Alliance, the ministry have used this information as well as research and advice provided by the people and organisations who work with carers, to write the draft Action Plan.
While this Action Plan is for all carers, MSD are aware that caring is not the same for everyone. Experiences and impacts of caring can be different for different groups in society.
For this Action Plan the ministry are starting by finding better ways to meet the particular needs of four populations:
- Māori carers
- Pacific carers
- Younger carers
- Older carers
The Action Plan is meant to support carer wellbeing and make sure carers have the support they need and so MSD would like all carers, families, whānau and aiga to tell them whether the draft Action Plan reflects what matters the most to them.
MSD will be holding a workshop in Christchurch at 6pm on Wednesday 23 July 2019 at Haeata Community Campus, 240 Breezes Road, Wainoni.
Catering will be provided.
If you are interested in coming along, please email
You can also provide feedback by:
- Doing the online survey on
- Emailing a written submission at, or
- Writing to: Carers’ Strategy Action Plan, Ministry of Social Development, P O Box 1556, Wellington 6140, New Zealand.