K'aute Pasifika
K’aute Pasifika’s home-based Pacific Family Violence Prevention Programme incorporates ethnic-specific approaches to delivering family violence prevention programmes.

The purpose is to:
- Deliver a home-based family violence prevention and awareness raising programme to ethnic specific groups using the Nga Vaka o Kāiga Tapu framework
- Support Pacific families living in peace, harmony and wellbeing
- Reduce the incidence of violence in the homes of Pacific families
- Ensure Pacific communities understand domestic violence, consequences and the impact on families
K'aute Pasifika Family Violence Service - An Overview
A strengths-based approach builds on the strengths of the family, observing and respecting different Pacific cultural traditions, whilst also acknowledging commonalities. The programme focuses on ‘continuums of wellbeing’ and supports transformation of behaviour. The service focuses on primary prevention to increase community awareness of family violence.
K’aute has developed a significant number of relationships with key stakeholders in the local community, and receives referrals from the local family safe network. K’aute attends fortnightly engagement meetings of the network and is part of discussions related to best practice.
The development, delivery (engagement, facilitation, administration) and monitoring (evaluation and follow-up) of this programme is managed by K’aute Pasifika and enabled through MSD Investment. K’aute Pasifika is the lead provider of the Aere Tai Pacific Midland Collective.